
Welcome Party at the Bordeaux City Hall

Welcome Talks

(Maylis Delest, director of the LaBRI ; Myriam Desainte-Catherine, scientific director of the SCRIME ; Sylvain Marchand, DAFx-07 conference chair)

September 11 Morning: Audio Effects

September 11 Lunch

September 11 Afternoon: Sound Modeling and Analysis

September 11 Afternoon: Poster Session

September 12 Morning: Room Acoustics and Hardware Implementation

September 12 Afternoon: Sound Spatialization and Localization

September 12 Afternoon: Poster Session

September 12 Afternoon: Audio Effects and Sound Synthesis

September 13 Morning: Music Information Retrieval and Visualization

About DAFx-08

September 13 Coffee/Tea Break

September 13 Lunch

Saint-Émilion Excursion


September 14 Sessions

Arcachon Excursion

[pictures by Bernadette de Tauzia (dsc* / img_* files), Sylvain Marchand (DSCN* files), and Robert Strandh (IMGP* files)]